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We have answers.

Consider us your guide through the technology jungle. Our innovative solutions and products will help your retail business reach more customers, drive more loyalty and increase customer retention

Who is Swiftly?

The Swiftly® digital ecosystem empowers retailers to grow sales and build loyalty, while enabling brands to reach more shoppers through retail media networks. Swiftly’s technology harnesses the power of AI to help retailers build strong digital relationships with customers and deliver amazing sales results. Swiftly powered Retail Media Networks enable America's leading brands to influence consumers across their shopping journey and provide the closed loop reporting that drives high-performing advertising campaigns. Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, Swiftly is creating the future of retail technology.

What problem does Swiftly solve?

Swiftly is focused on helping brick and mortar retailers compete in today’s ever-evolving, highly competitive digital marketplace, by providing access to the same mobile and personalization technology capabilities popular eCommerce giants have. To remain relevant and stay competitive, retailers need to natively boost their digital presence while leaning into the one thing eCommerce players don’t have, the physical store space where more than 90% of purchases still occur.  In order to accomplish this, retailers require the technology to engage their shopper digitally while making shopping from their favorite retail chain as easy as shopping online.Swiftly gives power back to retailers by providing a complete and flexible solution for in-app and in-store shopping enabling them to meet their customers where they’re shopping. Swiftly is the first vendor in the industry to connect the retail, digital, and in-store shopping experience with a robust ad platform, while deepening insights using 1st party data and analytics. This full-stack offering enables brick-and-mortar chains to compete with the likes of Amazon and generate significant margin-rich, asset light digital advertising revenues for retailers.

How fast can the Swiftly platform be deployed?

Each retailer is unique and requires some level of customization, but it is typically weeks and not months.  You do not need an engineering staff to have a best-in-class retail platform and margin-rich digital ad revenue.  Brands can advertise within days as long as the inventory is available and the creative is ready.

How do Retailers and Brands work with Swiftly?

Reach out to us! We'd love the opportunity to discuss how we can help your retail business or brand reach more customers.

How does the Swiftly platform work and what sets it apart from competitors?

Swiftly has built the most innovative retail applications connecting customers across the entire shopping experience. Our mobile first approach connects the consumer to the retailer both digitally and in-store by integrating the users’ experience across the entire shopping lifecycle. We provide a best-in-class storefront platform that offers the largest set of features of any available on the market with integrated loyalty programs, customer growth tools, coupon integration and class leading retail media integration. Connected with our analytics and insights engine we provide a deep insight into the customer journey allowing for advanced targeting leading to greater customer lifetime value.

What features are included in the Swiftly platform?

The robust set of features Swiftly offers are tailored for each retailer and can be customized whether you are starting fresh or would like to augment your current process.  The same goes for consumer brands.  Each plan is customized based on the goals you set from product launches and awareness to share growth.

What analytics are included in the platform?

In today’s ever-changing retail and ad analytics industry, Swiftly relies only on 1st party data tied directly into your POS system to provide a deep understanding of the customer engagement and drive greater returns through higher quality insights and analytics. With our 1st party data, you get specific insights on how your customer is interacting in your stores with brands both online and in-store. Our engine is the only analytics tool that provides an omnichannel view of the customer journey in order to adjust to their behavior. Combined with our retail media network these insights provide some of the most insightful campaign tracking available.