Optimize Your Audience

Your Reach and Your Revenue

Unlock Your Marketing Dollars at Scale

Supplement your print distribution with an omni-channel presence.

Introducing Audience Optimizer, the only technology of its kind designed to help retailers and brands connect with shoppers online and bring them into stores. Using advanced data intelligence and personalized targeting, our solution ensures that every interaction with your customers drives sales and delivers ROI.

Whether you're a retailer looking to enhance shopper loyalty or a brand aiming to amplify your reach, Audience Optimizer delivers tailored shopping experiences based on first-party transactional data and digital consumer behavior that drive meaningful actions.

Audience Optimizer for Retailers

  • Utilize data intelligence to identify relevant audience segments and personalize content.
  • Amplify promotions to reach more shoppers across all your digital channels and drive them to spend more in your stores and online.
  • Boost loyalty signups and app downloads with targeted campaigns.
  • Automatically update and optimize ads with store-specific promotions and pricing.
  • Access closed-loop measurement and detailed reporting to measure campaign results.

Audience Optimizer for Brands & Advertisers

(coming Q4 2024)

  • Leverage smart audience insights to identify and engage specific customer segments.
  • Extend brand ad placements across the open web, social media and in-store.
  • Automatically pair brand products with complementary retailer promotions for increased impact. When you promote with a retailer, ensure all potential customers know.
  • Access comprehensive measurement and closed-loop reporting to ensure optimal ad spend.
  • Drive incremental trips and sales with targeted, personalized, data-driven advertising.
Swiftly digital circular aplification

Boost The Most Relevant Circular Deals

for each shopper across every channel, highlighting in-store savings.

Improve Customer Loyalty

by directing highly-qualified shoppers to your app and website, encouraging loyalty signups.

Drive Incremental Sales

by personalizing which sales and offers your shoppers see to incentivize in-store visits.

See Swiftly's Digital Circular Amplification Solution in Action!

Optimize Marketing Dollars by Communicating with the Most Relevant Shoppers

closed loop reporting image

The effectiveness of print circulars is hard to measure.

Swiftly improves your marketing ROI with closed-loop reporting that provides visibility into each step of the shopping journey.

Our solutions can target both your customers and those of your competitors with relevant deals and discounts, based on transactional data.

The end result:

Increased store traffic, sales and more bang for your buck.

Personalize Content for Each Shopper

The Swiftly Network leverages holistic consumer data while prioritizing privacy to identify shoppers through the use of:

  • Shopper-level transactional data
  • Digital and real-world behavior
  • Shopper profiles
Swiftly personalize content

Measure Success and Improve ROI

Swiftly's Audience Optimizer solution enables you to explore a detailed world of analytics that goes far beyond what’s offered with print media.

With our suite of KPIs, you can track how our solution reduces your marketing costs over time. From more app downloads to incremental store visits, our solution influences the entire consumer shopping experience.

Swiftly DCA

Closed-Loop Reporting Provides:

  • Impressions
  • Sales Impact
  • Return on Ad Spend
  • Incremental Foot Traffic